Our Story

It all started with us wanting a piece of history in our little town of Green City, Missouri. After a few months of us talking about it, we found a couple of buildings for sale on the North side of the square. The second we walked in we fell in love with them. They needed a lot of TLC, but we felt up to the task, not really knowing what we were getting ourselves into. From that point we went to the city counsel meeting and presented our ideas and wanted to have their blessing before we moved forward with purchasing them. The counsel liked our ideas and was supportive of our vision, making us feel comfortable to purchase them and start working on our dream.

One building was known for being the Emerald Theater (Built in 1900) and the other for being Fisher Insurance (Built in 1890). There have been several other businesses in them through out the years and we’re still learning about them. We love hearing the stories as people reminisce from the past.